11110683 1R-0749 1R-1807 207-60-61250 245-6375 3831236 1R-0750 1g-8878 600-319-5610 320-04133A 8193841 1R0755 2P4004 600-181-6340 YA00037134 11037868 1R-0739 5I8670 600-185-4100 20805349 1R-0762 4616864 600-211-1340 Hiugong always persist in the pri...
TwinCAT CNC 控制器 型号是C6640-0040含C9900-S444 来自:厦门周月科技有限公司面议发布时间:2023-4-2 关注次数:8 产品参数 商品详情 CASE OF 40 TEKCEL SEALTITE REUSABLE MICROPLATE COVERS BOSTON GEAR 700 SERIES 1-1/16" FMA726600B56 STOBER R27-2142-NK-145?TC GEAR BOX KAYDON REALI SLIM ...
4.Collapse pressure rating 21bar-210bar (Hydraulic Liquid Filtration) 5.Filtering precision 3, 5, 10,20 and 50 micron. 6.Filter Medium: glass fiber, filter paper, stainless steel sinter fiber and stainless wire mesh. 7.Fluid Compatibility Compatible with all petroleu...