在航空领域,ILS(Instrument Landing System)是一种用于飞机精确定位和导航的无线导航系统。ILS标准被分为三类,分别是ILS Cat I、ILS Cat II和ILS Cat III。 1. ILS Cat I:ILS Cat I是最基本的ILS标准,适用于较好的天气条件下的着陆。根据这一标准,飞机可以在水平方向上精确定位,并且下降到决断高度决定是否继续...
preacher1 13 年以前 0 Downvote Upvote You can dig thru the regs and find it but there are 3 versions of CAT3, a,b, and c.Most concise descrip I've found is Wikipedia. Just do google and CAT3 landing. It is toward the bottom of the page 回复↓•永久链接•父级•Report to...
航后ADIRU电源都关了,所以会有ADR1+2+3的信息,CAT2表示当前飞机的autoland的Landing capability,正常都是CAT3啦,如果飞机某些与autoland有关系的系统有故障,看故障的具体等级,则FMGC会告知现在autoland的capability降为CAT2了。A320飞机Autoland的capability从高到低依次为:CAT3 DUAL, CAT3 SINGLE, CAT2,CAT1。 回...
There is nothing more enticing for your cat than free-flowing water. These are our picks for the best cat water fountains based on...
雷达模式打到ARC,找一下离机场近的导航台,输入到RAD NAV里,接通一下AP1 AP2 APPR,再断开。楼上很多办法都可以,有时候试车后会出现CAT2。回复 支持1 反对0 使用道具 举报 此用户已被注销 15主题 350帖子 695积分 机务正式工-无执照 积分 695 发消息 发表于 2017-2-14 00:08:49 | 显示全部楼层 ...
题目: 允许在形态 3 和全形态下进行 CAT2和 CAT3 自动着陆 A、正确 B、错误 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 在CAT1 或更好的天气条件下进行自动 着陆,在什么高度上无法建立目视基准 必须复飞? A、执行 CAT1 进近相应的高度上无法建立目视基准; B、执行 CAT2 进近相应的高度上无法建立目视基准; C、离地...
This paper proposed a generation of guidance errors and guidance instructions for automatic landing based on GPS-Aided ILS. Firstly, the glide path was defined by key points, and the mathematical description of the glide path was given in the form of vector. Then, a landing guidance errors ...
1. Electrical activity and length of ankle muscles were recorded by telemetry during free fall and landing in cats. 2. After foot contact, there was a delay in onset of stretch of ankle extensors of between 8 and 11 ms. High-speed cinematography showed the delay to be associated with rapi...
🔥 西番户外的短靴也是不错的选择,舒适度满分💯,搭配运动休闲裤刚刚好,一双鞋子能穿很久,虽然价格稍微贵一点,但耐穿值回票价🥰🔥 休闲衣服现在也有超值活动,卫衣特别推荐,只要199元到手,版型不挑人,穿上身都很有型👚,工装裤是他们家的经典款,搭配CAT家的大黄靴,全套穿搭轻松搞定🤝...
Catapres-tts-1 Catapres-tts-2 Catapres-tts-3 Catapres-tts-3 Catapuce catapult catapult catapult catapult catapult catapult (someone or something) into (something) Catapult Armed Merchantman Catapult Arresting-Gear and Landing-Aids Maintenance Catapult Assisted Take Off But Arrested Recovery Catapult ...