您需要多常檢查機油? 每週僅需花費數分鐘時間檢查,且能避免您的引擎出現嚴重問題。您應多常檢查機油? 在製造商建議的間隔內檢查機油當然是件必要的任務。但是您應多常檢查油位? 在油位感應器出現之前,許多駕駛都至少每週用量油尺檢查油位一次。 除非您駕駛較舊車型,否則現代人可能無須這麼做。但是新型車輛仍需要...
At Castrol, we’re breaking boundaries and moving forwards on a pathway of change. Embracing the new to accelerate progress.
用量油尺檢查摩托車油品 如同透過檢查窗格檢查油品一樣,請首先將摩托車使用中央駐車架或後輪駐車架停放在水平面上。稍後至引擎冷卻且讓油品排回油槽中,此步驟可能需要 20 分鐘。 您可以在引擎某側下方找到量油尺。徒手以反時針方向將其轉下,用抹布或紙巾擦拭乾淨。再將量油尺放回洞中,直到靠在螺紋上,此時尚無...
How to check your engine oil While some cars consume hardly any engine oil, others can burn off or drip plenty. That's why itmakes sense to check your oil level frequently between oil changes, as running with a low oil level increases stress on the engine and can seriously reduce the wo...
校准油 4113嘉实多校准油 4113 是一种低粘度矿物油基测试液。校准油 4113 是一种用于柴油喷油器的校准和储存油,完全符合 ISO 4113 和 Lucas CAV 7-10-106 规范。这种油的防锈性能是这样的,在校准后无需清洁设备,在正常条件下储存一年后可确保设备正常运行。虽然校准油 4113 不含有害添加剂,但它是一种轻质矿...
Castrol EDGE 5W-30 Benefits Protection for 20,000 miles between oil changes× 3X stronger than the leading full synthetic* 10X better high stress performance** Also suitable for hybrids (0W grades) Improves fuel economy (0W grades) ×Up to 20,000 miles or 1 ...
Check from naked eyes Original and Fake Engine Oil: image source: Kaushal Auto Repair Bilaspur From the outer periphery, one can’t find out the difference between the original and fake castrol oil via naked eyes. So, in order check duplicacy, pour oil in disposal glass. If the oil is ...