Castrol® EDGE® Extended Performance with Fluid TITANIUM Technology, is the natural choice for drivers of cars, light trucks and SUVs who demand outstanding performance and the assurance of protection during today’s longer drain intervals. Castrol EDGE Ex...
618预告:Castrol 嘉实多 EDGE 极护 Titanium 钛流体 SN级 5W-40 全合成机油 5L +凑单品AI卖点提炼:高温性能强,磨损保护健康,节能环保节油。 Powered by ZDM-AIGC Engine v0.1 爆料人: 老君山车神 17-06-16发布 天猫国际官方直营现售价为299元,6月18日0点开始降至289元包邮包税。可以领取每满300减60的...
Castrol EDGE with Fluid TITANIUMphysically transforms its structure – becoming stiffer at points of extreme pressure, keeping metal apart and reducing friction. When the pressure subsides, the oil reverts to its free-flowing state. Stronger under pressure,Castrol EDGE with Fluid TITANIUMtransforms its...
免费查询更多嘉实多(castrol) 极护钛流体edge titanium 5w-40 全合成机油 4l详细参数、实时报价、行情走势、优质商品批发/供应信息等,您还可以发布询价信息。
CastrolEDGE5W-30A3B4 系统标签: castroledgeenginedieseloilsengines PRODUCTDATA CASTROLEDGE5W-30A3/B4 PRODUCTDESCRIPTION CastrolEDGEwithTitaniumFluidStrengthTechnology™isCastrol’sstrongestandmost advancedrangeofengineoils. CastrolEDGE5W-30A3/B4isafullsynthetic,SAE5W-30,APISL/CF,ACEAA3/B4engineoil formulate...
嘉实多(Castrol) 极护Edge Titanium 5W-40 - 4L 全合成机油 *2件410元(合205元/件)什么值得买甄选出苏宁国际优惠促销商品,包括Castrol/嘉实多机油报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
Jaguar exclusively recommends Castrol EDGE Professional, specifically designed for our engines to optimise performance. Available at your Jaguar dealership.
Product name:Engine Oil 5W-30;Type:Engine Oil Lubricant;Application:Engine Lubrication;General Composition:Base Oil;Usage:Petrol Engines;Place of Origin:DE;Brand Name:Castrol;Expiration Date:3 years;Weight:5 litre;|
#精彩分享#嘉实多 Castrol EDGE Titanium机油广告 Strong Blackout。展现极具冲击力的画面和车手超炫的驾驶技术~
Among tested oils including 5W-30 Pennzoil Ultra Platinum , 5W-20 Castrol Edge with Titanium performed quite well. Sponsored gunbunnysoulja Joined Sep 7, 2016 Threads 3 Messages 204 Reaction score 100 Location Florida Vehicle(s) ...