castor sacsanal glandschemical communicationBoth sexes of beavers possess a pair of castor sacs and a pair of anal glands located in paired subcutaneous cavities between the pelvis and the base of the tail. The castor sacs are not glandular in the histological sense, hence references to these ...
It has been assumed that the hero's name was given to the animal because he was a noted healer and the odorous reddish-brown secretions of the inguinal sacs of the animal (Latincastoreum), were used medicinally in ancient times, especially for women's diseases. But the animal did not live...
Beavers live in discrete family units consisting of an adult pair and progeny from 1 or more years. Activity is predominantly crepuscular and nocturnal, although winter activity rhythms may be free-running. One beaver, typically an adult, is usually first to initiate daily activity of the family...
North American beaver (Castor canadensis) mark their territories with castoreum, a chemically complex secretion from their castor sacs. The phenolic and neutral fractions of castoreum have been shown to elicit specific behavioral responses from beavers in a field setting. Our objective was to identify...
Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) live in family groups that defend territories against other conspecifics. Part of this territorial defence involves constructing scent mounds near the stream bank within territories and marking them with castoreum, a urine-based fluid from the castor sacs, and (or) ...