Stiffler, Robert
Castor oil (CO) was reacted with commercial epoxy resin (ER) (Diglycidylether of Bisphenol-A i.e. DGEBA) at various mole ratios. Resultant condensate ..Bhavdeep K. PatelHasmukh S. PatelShashank N. Desai
Castor oil (C) was reacted with commercial epoxy resin (E) (diglycidylether of bisphenol-A, DGEBF) at various mole ratios. The resultant products were..Castor oil (C) was reacted with commercial epoxy resin (E) (diglycidylether of ...
Here, the initial concentration of castor oil before to start the reaction = CO and the concentration of castor oil at time (t) during the chemical reaction = C. Mole fraction of castor at time (𝑡)= X𝐶=[𝐶][𝐶𝑂]Mole fraction of castor at time (t)= XC=[C][CO] (3)...