Hotels in top Townsville neighborhoods Castle Hill Magnetic Island Ferry Terminal The Strand Beach Horseshoe Bay Beach Willows Shopping Centre Museum of Tropical Queensland Billabong Sanctuary Cluden Racecourse Strand Waterpark Jezzine Barracks Castle Hill ...
Stockland Townsville Shopping Centre7.29公里 Centrepoint Plaza6.8公里 Kmart7.22公里 BIG W Townsville7.25公里 Strand Park809 米 城堡山1.39公里 Jezzine PARK532 米 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park2.08公里 Strand Rockpool735 米 Tasman Holiday Parks - Rowes Bay1.26公里 史特兰特海滩1.4公里 Soroptimist Park984 ...
CastleTown Shoppingworld1.69公里 Urban Corner1.22公里 The Reject Shop Townsville1.82公里 Rising Sun Plaza2.68公里 Stockland Townsville Shopping Centre5.77公里 Fairfield Central Shopping Centre5.58公里 Kmart5.82公里 Harvey Norman5.35公里 Kmart - Fairfield Central Kmart - Fairfield Central5.57公里 ...
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