4 of 4 Windsor Castle: Henry VIII GatewayHenry VIII Gateway at Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England. There was a royal residence atWindsorin Saxon times (c.9th century).William I(“William the Conqueror”) developed the present site, constructing a mound with a stockade about 1070.Henry IIrepla...
Berkhamsted Castle: The contours of William the Conqueror’s original motte-and-bailey castle are clearly seen, now that the later stonework is in ruins. The motte (mound) was crowned with a timber stockade. Berkhamsted was unusual in having a wet moat. (Aerofilms. Ltd.) Requiring no ...
Influence of Castles in English History. - Such strongholds as existed in England at the time of the Norman Conquest seem to have offered but little resistance to William the Norman, who, in order effectually to guard against invasions from without as well as to awe his newly-acquired ...
Following the success of William the Conqueror in 1066, castles were built in England and Wales. The French term motte means a clump of turf, while bailey comes from the French word baille, which refers to a low yard. The word castellum is first mentioned in Medieval manuscripts which descri...
family. The family originated in Caen, Normandy, and came to Britain with William the Conqueror in 1066. At that time their name was De Boyville, but the name became Anglicised over time into Boyle. In 1140 a branch of the family settled near Largs, and the rest, as they say, is ...
Windsor King William "The Conqueror", who came from Normandy and successfully seized the English throne, built a castle at the present site about 1070. It was extended by his successors and was virtually rebuilt about 1344, during the reign of Edward III, as a gathering place for the ...
After the reign of William the Conqueror, England and Normandy were governed as separate entities. However, because of their joint Norman heritage, England regularly claimed Normandy as part of its sovereign territory. Caen, the richest city in Northern France, was fought over viciously. During the...
of his brother, Dafydd ap Gruffud, the Welsh people were out of control. And to subjugate them, Edward 1 resorted to building castles across North Wales. Caernarfon castle was one of the major castle built to create a ring around Garth Celyn, which was the center of resistance to the ...
as part of their defence system, following their invasion of England in 1066. It is an impressive structure, indeed the largest Norman keep ever built and the first to be built by William the Conqueror in England. His steward (or dapifer) Eudo de Rie, carried out the initial building work...
In 1260, his son-in-law William Marshall replaced the wooden structure with a stone castle. The castle was built on a hill above the river, creating a dramatic entrance to Kilkenny City. Read more:7 Stops to Include on Your Irish Road Trip ...