名稱: Castle in The Clouds DX 類型: 動作, 冒險, 角色扮演 開發人員: pixelteishoku, Libra Heart 發行商: Critical Bliss 系列作: Twisted Bliss 發行日期: 2021 年 10 月 8 日 X 檢視更新歷史記錄 閱讀相關新聞 檢視討論區 尋找社群群組 嵌入 在Steam 上查看 CriticalBliss 的所有作品 成人內容說...
Peach's Castle, also known as Princess Peach's Castle or the Mushroom Castle, is the castle situated within the Mushroom Kingdom and its most prominent landmark. It is home to Princess Peach as well as many Toads, including Toad and Toadsworth. The...