Kimmie Stewart Casting Drivers Ed – Feature Film Wilmington, NC Tona B. Dahlquist Casting FINAL WEEK OF FILMING for The Feature Film “Apopka” filming in Charlotte, Production is especially in need of Males for various roles for their Boxing Fight Scenes. Tona B. Dahlquist Casting ROOFMAN,...
CL Casting AFRICAN AMERICAN FEMALE CASTING – 30s-60s Seeking African American Females, ages 30s-60s. **Hair should be natural (pressed hair is okay), no weaves, braids or twist (must be willing to remove if so) WORK DATE: Friday, August 16th FITTING DATE: August 14th or 15th RAT...
and an extrusion hopper supported by the frame adjacent the casting surface, there is provided a sensing device, upstream of the hopper, so that variations in the casting surface are detected and signalled to means for adjusting the position of the hopper relative to the casting surface, thus ...