Essentially, the museum consists of the remains of the Castillo San Jorge, the seat of theSpanish Inquisition, brought to life with detailed explanations of what happened where, and to whom. Triana, the area of Seville best known for its flamenco and sailors, was also where thousands of poor...
姓名: Jorge Castillo Matas 地区: 西班牙 参赛次数: 30 WCA ID: 2011MATA01 性别: 男 参赛经历: 2011.03.05 - 2016.11.05 2024年度总结 个人最好成绩 项目地区排名洲际排名世界排名单次平均世界排名洲际排名地区排名金银铜复原/尝试 三阶 80 1573 5580 7.93 9.96 6095 1664 78 10 7 2 416/425 ...