We design the world's best performance-enhancing cycling clothing, made to help you ride faster, longer, and further. Start your journey with us.
50 Years of Iconic Triumphs and Champions in Cycling DISCOVER MORE INSPIRATIONAL Castelli: Pioneering the Revolution in Cycling 50 years of game-changing insights and innovations DISCOVER MORE RACING Understanding RED-S in Elite Cycling The Hidden Challenge DISCOVER MORE TRIATHLON THAT ...
We design the world's best performance-enhancing cycling clothing, made to help you ride faster, longer, and further. Start your journey with us.
We design the world's best performance-enhancing cycling clothing, made to help you ride faster, longer, and further. Start your journey with us.
Castelli Podcast:https://castelli-cycling.link/podcast Getting started with scored races You'll need to finish a few rides before you can join your first scored race. With more data we'll be able to recommend the best group for you to compete against....
Browse the Castelli cycling clothing range including the latest bib shorts, jerseys, jackets, gloves and more at Sigma Sports - the cycling specialists.
Castelli 是一间始创于1876 年的意大利运动服装及配饰公司,亦是世界著名的骑行服品牌,以顶尖职业车队和职业选手的标准来制造,百多年来始终专注于技术,性能和设计上。 品牌网站:https://www.castelli-cycling.com/us-fr Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/castellicycling ...
蝎子牌骑行服官网,是什么网址? 网址:http://blog.castelli-cycling.com (随时间推移、准确性敬请分辩) 随时光变迁,文中观点、准确性、难免有所变动,因此文中观点仅供参考!更多介绍 蝎子牌(Castelli)以生产高性能的骑行服饰为荣。 自1876年以来,他们一直是服装裁剪领域的翘楚。 如同Binda,Coppi以及Bartal系列,他们...
Free Aero RC Bibshort 骑行吊带短裤,一条 Castelli 理想的世巡车队级别 (World Tour Level) 短裤,整体设计完美融合了舒适性和速度,没有任何停下来的原因。一条专为世巡赛事而生的骑行吊带短裤 Free Aero RC Bibshort - 让车手赞不绝口!#castellicycling# #cycling# #cyclingshots# #FreeAeroRCBibshort# L...
Castelli Cycling Castelli Cycling Logo, SVG Click on the large image to open and download raster format (png or jpg). Click on the file icon to download vector format.