Discrimination against Dalits manifests in various forms, including restrictions on entering temples, using public water sources, and participating in social functions. In rural areas, Dalits often live in segregated communities, have limited access to education and healthcare, and are confined to low...
To put it differently, democratic politics can obviate caste status but not do the same thing so easily for a race. In a racial system, non-whites continue to exist outside the moral-ideological universe of the whites. In the case of caste based discrimination, however, moral language can ...
While the WENA (Western Europe and Northern America) has always been suspicious of a rising India, the rabid foaming has only increased since 2014 when Narendra Modi, a man they detest for various reasons, came to power. As a consequence, most of the reportage about India, including its dia...
World Health Organization defines mental health as a “state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to her or his community” (World Health Organization [WHO],200...
In her work, Sud speaks of the “social life of land” in its complex relationships with humans and nonhuman actors both under its surface and above it. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge the various meanings and uses of land and its relationships with both human and nonhuman actors....
It is reasonable to assume that the caste system, contrary to the popular images of its changelessness, has always been characterized by the efforts of variousjatis to raise themselves in the social order. Such efforts have been more successful in the case of low but ritually purecastesthan in...