The meaning of CASTE is one of the hereditary social classes in Hinduism that restrict the occupation of their members and their association with the members of other castes. How to use caste in a sentence.
The meaning of SUBCASTE is a caste that is a subdivision of a larger caste. How to use subcaste in a sentence.
Define subcaste. subcaste synonyms, subcaste pronunciation, subcaste translation, English dictionary definition of subcaste. n a subdivision of a caste Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers
sub caste noun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofcaste1 First recorded in1545–55;fromPortuguesecasta“race, breed,” noun use ofcasta,feminine ofcasto,fromLatincastus“pure,chaste” Discover More Example Sentences Her very presence on a sabha stage — an elite space historically dom...
网络种姓 网络释义 1. 种姓 ...言族群、数十个主要的种姓(caste)及数千个次等种姓(subcaste),种姓体系之外更有为数8000万的贱民(untouchable)。|基于2个网页
caste: Any of the hereditary, endogamous social classes or subclasses of traditional Hindu society, stratified according to Hindu ritual purity, especially the Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisya, and Sudra castes.
The effect of maternal care on gene expression and DNA methylation in a subsocial bee Developmental plasticity describes the influence of environmental factors on phenotypic variation. An important mediator of developmental plasticity in many animals is parental care. Here, we examine the consequences of...
Understanding the castes, sub-castes and inner groups of Goan society inHindu fold is a complicated task. In ancient times the divisions where basedon traditional occupation. But in a course of history it changed and wasbased on birth into a particular family. Once it adhered, is continuedfore...
…royal pair, a king and queen. They have developed from winged forms (alates) that have flown from a parent colony and shed their wings. Because they spend time outside of the colony on the mating flight, they have hardened, pigmented bodies and large compound eyes. The primary reproductiv...
caste division relates to reproduction: insect societies include fecund reproductive members (often referred to as queens for the females, and kings for males when they are present) and relatively sterile helpers (referred to as workers). Workers can further specialize into categories called subcastes...