Caste is a rigid social system based on heredity, often associated with Hindu society, dictating social status and occupation. Class, however, is a more flexible social ranking based on economic or social status, allowing for mobility.
StellaMeri, V.Language in India
s class or caste. The caste system is unique to India; the class system is universal in nature. Both of them influence and condition the way of life of people to a large extent. The caste system is basis of stratification in India whereas class system becomes basis of stratification in ...
A caste system differs from a class system because: 种姓制度与阶级制度的区别在于:A.a caste system is an open system of stratification, while a class system is a closed system of stratification.种姓制度是一个开放的阶级制度,阶级制度是一个封闭的阶级制度。B.
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook casteless Thesaurus Wikipedia (ˈkɑːstləs) adj (Sociology) having no caste Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, ...
1. A system of class differentiation based on Hindu scriptures. 2. A rigid class system based on common acceptance of a religious principle. For example, the ancient Indian caste system. Castes were defined in the Hindu religion. Membership of caste depends on birth, and movement between caste...
Along with earthworms and ants,termitesare the third major earthmoving group of invertebrates.Termitesare social insects with a well-developedcaste system. Through their ability to digest wood they have become economic pests of major importance in some regions of the world (Lee and Wood, 1971; Bi...
Today, Gambian society is still influenced by the hierarchical caste and class structure of its past. The societies of the Serer, Wolof and Tukulor are organised according to two systems, that of caste and that of order.
there is no leisure class in that casteless country 2 India : outside the caste system and thus having no place or status in society the foreigner was a casteless person The Ultimate Dictionary Awaits Expand your vocabulary and dive deeper into language with Merriam-Webster Unabridged. ...
Caste that made up most of the Indian population; most were peasants and manual laborers; last member of the caste Kshyatriyas warriors, 2nd caste member Vaishyas (Caste System) merchants and farmers, 3rd caste members Dalits/Untouchables Lowest class of the social classes, did jobs no one wa...