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various glass types. In practice, for each glass type there are numerous different recipes resulting into different properties.doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2018.07.014Oikonomopoulou F.Bristogianni T.Barou L.Veer F.A.Nijsse R.Journal of Building Engineering...
Cryoablation as standard treatment of atrial flutter: a prospective, 2-center study (CASTAF)H. BastaniT. BourkeF. BraunschweigN. DrcaK. GudmundssonP. InsulanderA. JemtrenG. KennebckE. LjungstrmB. Sadigh
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Post, J.W.; Veerman, J.; Hamelers, H.V.M.; Euverink, G.J.W.; Metz, S.J.; Nymeijer, K.; Buisman, C.J.N. Salinity-gradient power: Evaluation of pressure-retarded osmosis and reverse electrodialysis.J. Membr. Sci.2007,288, 218–230. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version...
33.. OObbsseerrvvaattiioonnaallDDaattaa TThhee oobbsseerrvvaattiioonnaall ddaattaa uusseeddtotovveerirfiyfyththeemmodoedlerlerseuslutsltisncinlucdlueddewd awteartelervleelvteiml teimseeriseesriferos mfrothme tNheatNioantailoOnacleaOnceSaenrvSiceerv(NicOe S(N) COOS-)OCPOS-wOaPtSerwleavteerl...
F. Murray Abraham (Barnard), Kate Buddeke (Jane), Laura Esterman (Mrs. Garland), Nancy Giles (Marci), Lily Gladstone (Denise), Ed Harris (Dr. Michaels), Charlotte Hope (Mom), Mark Linn-Baker (Timothy), Amy Madigan (Evangeline), Rileigh McDonal...
Nithyadevi DuraisamyV. VeeravazhuthiDAE Solid State Physics Symposium
Telesilla BristogianniFaculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft, Delft, The NetherlandsFaidra OikonomopoulouFaculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, Delft, The NetherlandsFred A. VeerFaculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands...