The meaning of CAST is to cause to move or send forth by throwing. How to use cast in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Cast.
This latest evidence casts serious doubt on his version of events. 最新的证据使人们十分怀疑他对事件的说法。 来自牛津词典 2. The priceless treasures had been cast into the Nile. 价值连城的珍宝被扔进了尼罗河。 来自牛津词典 3. They cast anchor at nightfall. 他们傍晚抛锚停泊。 来自牛津词典 4. ...
Hecasthimself as the innocent victim of a hate campaign. 他把自己说成是一场诋毁声誉行为的无辜受害者。 牛津词典 The press were quick tocasther in the role of ‘the other woman ’. 新闻界很快把她描述成“第三者”的角色。 牛津词典
1. It has been found that carburetting with graphite can efficiently prevent the surface crack of cast iron. 研究还证明,用石墨增碳可以有效地改善激光熔化区和合金化区的组织和性能,并且有效地防止裂纹的产生。 2. You can't just cast people aside like old ciothes. ...
Hello. I have been using this Web Casting App for about going on two years now. I must say, I love it. Now, like any other App, you may have to delete it and restore it, all of the built up that needs to be deleted, that’s fine. ...
The `is` and `as` operators test the type of an object. The `typeof` keyword returns the type of a variable. Casts try to convert an object to a variable of a different type.
The `is` and `as` operators test the type of an object. The `typeof` keyword returns the type of a variable. Casts try to convert an object to a variable of a different type.
The `is` and `as` operators test the type of an object. The `typeof` keyword returns the type of a variable. Casts try to convert an object to a variable of a different type.
Use of the other casts can violate type safety and cause the program to access a variable that is actually of type X to be accessed as if it were of an unrelated type Z: 使用其他的类型转换无法保证类型安全并导致程序将一个实际上是类型X的变量当成类型Z访问。