I swear, anyone who has watched a couple of kdramas could tell which actor would be adult kiho. I don't get how so many people got confused to be very honest. even if you don't consider the practical side like the cast, the writing has always been more inclined to CHJ than N as...
desperation, asks a consummate swindler to help her win the game. The series comes from PD Kim Hong-sun (ofWarrior Baek Dong-sooand OCN’sHero) and writer Yoo Yong-jae (Time Between Dog and Wolf), all of which seem like good credits to have when prepping a psychological thriller drama...
The 50-episode melodrama from the writer behindA Wife’s TemptationandTemptation of Angelsis about a pair of brothers, both with the dream to play the piano. (Hence the fingery title.) Joo Ji-hoon plays the older brother, Yoo Ji-sang, who always had a natural gift for music. But litt...