Detective James Carter is an LAPD officer assigned to the Soo-Yung Han case. Despite Detective Carter’s recklessness and unconventional methods, Carter is street-smart, loyal, and takes his job seriously. After the botched sting operation in the film’s first act, Carter is unknowingly sent on...
Conrad Carapax, also known as the Indestructible Man, is played byRaoul Max Trujillo. He's the right-hand man of Victoria and will resort to many dangerous methods to get his hands on the Scarab, becoming Blue Beetle's deadliest enemy. After a series of experiments in the Kord Industries,...
In modern society, it so happened that when the one-on-one conversation comes up with intimate questions, we blush, it becomes uncomfortable for us, we don’t know what to do. At the same time, such vulgarities speak in a black box and show pictures of such content that it becomes e...
Dangerous Methods (2022) George Brietigam Extra Ash's Homecoming (2018) Vincent Glaeser III Extra (as Vincent Glaeser) Rekindling Christmas (2020) Nestor Guzman Extra Star Trek Wars (2015) Josie Hoh Extra (as Joshua Hoh) Ash's Homecoming (2018) Jasmine Monzon Extra Shepard (...
Usually they do not wear protective equipment andlack any awareness that they are handling dangerous materials.With the amount of e-waste growing around the world, recycling alone will not be enough tosolve the problem. In order to reduce e-waste,manufacturers need to design electronics thatare ...
John Luther is a brilliant homicide detective with a knack for getting inside the minds of murderers. Unfortunately, his unconventional methods and personal demons put him at odds with his team. Read more: Plot summary Seasons 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 See all Creator Neil Cross (created ...
Therefore, those who want to harm Russia at all cost had to seek out new methods. In this regard:qui bonofrom this terrorist act? From Skripals and doping scandals, to the attempts at false flags in Syria and the set up of the Russian jet by Israel, QUI BONO?
Top Gun: Maverickfollows Pete "Maverick" Mitchellas he trains a new batch of Top Gun recruits for a dangerous mission. Having spent the previous three decades deliberately avoiding promotion to continue flying, Maverick is viewed with skepticism by his superiors and trainees alike. He is eventuall...
Even when he’s disobeying the rules and doing dangerous stuff that could have backfired awfully — like running through a blazing inferno to rescue his dad inFire Country Season 2 Episode 9. We spent the first two seasons watching Bode walk the fine line required of the prisoner inmate fire...
I find that Lada’s methods provide me with valuable insight & solid direction for my business, where to relocate, and best place to keep my money during this upcoming Earth Shift Period. Lada, you have my everlasting gratitude and love dear friend! Infinite blessings indeed. ...