In "Barbie," Simu Liu is one of the more significant Kens in the film, rivaling Ryan Gosling's Ken for Barbie's attention and even engaging in an extravagant, '80s-themed dance battle during the film's climax. For audiences who aren't aware of Liu's prior work, they might have been...
A beloved doll, known for her perfect life in an idyllic, colorful world, finds herself on an unexpected journey when she starts to feel out of place. Seeking answers, she leaves her fantastical home and steps into the real world, where she experiences the highs and lows of human ...
Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures(2018) Hayley Derryberry 80's Sweater Girl (uncredited) Rabid Love(2013) Natalie Gal Manne (uncredited) Life on Mars(2008) Kate Gorney Mannequin (uncredited) Lovesick(I)(2014) David Hasselhoff Self (archive footage) (uncredited) ...
First Reviews of 'Barbie' Are In, and Th... The Biggest Snubs and Surprises of the 2... The Internet’s Best Reactions to Ryan Go... Jimmy Kimmel's Oscars Monologue is What... The 25 Best Movies on HBO and Max to Wat... ...
'Please, please, please can we have a Dreamhouse where she has a slide that goes from her bedroom down to her pool, because that is my goal in life.' Robbie revealed in a recent video for Architectural Digest, in which she filmed a tour of the Barbie set, that she studied old ...
The White LotusSeason 3 Is Due in February Breaking Down the 'Yellowstone' Dutton Family Tree What We Know About ‘Yellowstone’ Season 5 What We Know About ‘The Madison’ So Far Presented by Pluto TV 45 of the Funniest Christmas Movies ...
Barbie Comedy Adventure Fantasy A beloved doll, known for her perfect life in an idyllic, colorful world, finds herself on an unexpected journey when she starts to feel out of place. Seeking answers, she leaves her fantastical home and steps into the real world, where she experiences the high...