Before Kent potentially embarks on a quest to re-energize his fellow heroes' commitment to protecting Earth, he'll need to deal with his own demons – chief among those being his sense of isolation. To that end, Kent will spend time at his iconic Fortress of Solitude, with Norwegian outle...
and three SSDs via the judicious use of a Dremel. Choosing the AMD 4650G APU rather than a separate GPU for the PC is a smart move given the limited space, but Temujin 123 has managed to fit in the DVD-RAM drive from an old laptop. Cooling comes courtesy of aNoctuaNH-L9a-AM4, ...
Unfortunately the laptop screen got broken in an accident a short time later and the machine, while still operational, is anchored to his desktop by a large and clunky monitor. No longer can he create on the go as the universe intended. ...