Aluminum Restoration As with old cast iron cookware, neglected aluminum ware also can often be rehabilitated. With iron, we can rely on the chemistry of lye and electrolysis; with aluminum, however, we must primarily employ old-fashioned elbow grease. Since aluminum is not as hard a metal, it...
Cast Iron Restoration Overview Stripping & Cleaning Cleaning With Lye Cleaning With Electrolysis Initial Seasoning More Cast Metal Ware Cast Iron Cookware Shapes Gem & Muffin Pans Waffle Irons Camp Ovens Combination Cookers Cookware Toys Hammered Finish Ware ...
I turned to Twitter—which can occasionally get 'splainey and that's also when I whip out the MFA because I got this, bro, but is mostly just lovely on this front—and got some useful info there and also the advice thatReddit's cast-iron restoration subredditis super helpful (it was...
Adapting a PC Power Supply for Electrolysis: Part 1 By SideAngleSide on January 17, 2021 One of the big challenges that I have been having with regards to cast iron restoration has been finding a cheap and reliable source of 12vDC power. Historically, many restorers have relied on manual...
Cleaning methods like electrolysis convert red rust to a soft black form of oxide.Clean, bare iron will also begin to oxidize again almost immediately, by a phenomenon known as flash rusting, especially if ambient humidity is high. That's OK, too. Both will wipe off as you apply the ...