Remember not to soak the caulking compound completely. Now, tamp the compound onto the hub using a caulking iron and a hammer until all the compound has been evenly packed. Let the caulk dry and set for 6 hours before you allow fluid into the drainpipe. Benefits of Replacing Cast Iron P...
Cast-iron pipe is found in many older homes, where it was used primarily for large drain pipes, such as 3-inch main drains, sewer pipes and vents. Today,cast ironis pretty much a dinosaur (at least in residential construction) that gets replaced with plastic whenever it fails or needs wo...
In the late 50's when they first began extruding plastic pipe they used the same listed wall specs as the iron pipe schedules. PVC pipe - is actually made in schedules 10, 20, 40, 80, 120 & sometimes for special purposes 30 & 200 however, only schedule 40 is approved for DWV (dr...