The Greatest American Hero (1981) Daniel Sherwin Scott Templeton 1 Barlow (1971) Trisha Hilka Annie 1 CHiPs (1977) William Zabka Clarence Mortner Jr. 1 The Karate Kid (1984) Pamela Bowman Boom Boom 1 Stripes (1981) Gene Ross Plummer 1 Halloween 4: The Return of Mi...
In 1986 the President of United States declared that Ralph Hinkley was the greatest American Hero. After him there was a superheroine... then everything has changed! The alien race that created the costume is now threatened. Ralph can no ...See more ...
The Best Actors and ActressesLists that rank the greatest performers to hit the large and small screens. House Cast List Overrated! Working American Actors The Best Living American Actors 23 Actors Who Are Known For Nailing Every Singl... ...
Ana and Junker Queen are the two characters with the greatest number of voice actors across all dubs. With both Ana and Junker Queen being voiced by at least 18 voice actresses each. It's possible that Junker Queen's count may be higher, due to her originally debuting in the map Junke...
Not that we’re shocked, but the greatest unicorn player since Babe Ruth and most prized free agent in…well, maybe forever, decided that his services should stay in southern California but with the Bums. That’s right, the ONE team we didn’t want to see him go to was the Dodgers. ...
The Greatest Child Stars Who Kept Acting As Grown-Ups The Greatest British Actors of All Time The Coolest Actors Ever 23 Actors Who Are Known For Nailing Every Single Role The Best English Actors of All Time The Best American Actors Working Today The Greatest Actors Who Have Never Won An...
Steve McQueen's impressive movie career cemented his status as a Hollywood icon of the 20th century, but his petty rejection of what would become one of the greatest Westerns of all time may have prevented him from becoming an even bigger star. After getting his start in projects like Wanted...
The Greatest American Hero(1981) John Schneider Self The Dukes of Hazzard(1979) Jane Seymour Dr. Michaela Quinn - 'Gray Anatomy' Skit Somewhere in Time(1980) William Shatner Self Star Trek V: The Final Frontier(1989) Danielle Spencer
usually in the period from the 1850s to the end of the 19th century. Though basically an American creation, the western had its counterparts in thegaucho literatureofArgentinaand in tales of the settlement of theAustralian outback. Thegenrereached its greatest popularity in the early and middle ...