Remove any fear of your leg cast or bandage getting wet when showering or bathing. EASE OF USE Easy to put on and take off on either leg in an non-painful way, while always keeping your blood circulating preventing unwanted cramp.
These cast protectors for showers keep your casts dry. Our stock includes cast protectors for swimming and waterproof arm & leg cast covers.
Picc line shower cover - The Disposable ShowerSOC to cover and keep Picc lines/Casts dry when showering. Same Day Ship! 412-564-4610 In Hospitals and homes!
Guaranteed to last the life of the cast, it is the best cast protector and bandage protector which is easy to use and durable for showering and water sport
Selecting the best waterproof cast cover for swimming? Let’s read our reviews of 15 covers and pick the best one that helps you enjoy swimming.
Comes in two sizes – ANKLE & LEG; one longer of approximately length 24 inches that covers adult’s half leg and diameter of tight seal ring 8” and the other shorter one of length 13 inches and diameter of ring 8” that covers foot and ankle Made of high grade materials; PVC, rubbe...
You can find cast covers from TKWC in different sizes. One forfoot and ankle,standard size, andextra-widefor larger casts or legs. Further Reading:Making Bathing Easier After Surgery With their price being very affordable, ease of use, durability, and eliminating the risk of getting your cast...
When you break an arm or a leg, you may wonder how you're going to practice basic hygiene. Showering can be difficult in a cast, but the problem is not insurmountable. In the event you break a limb, you will have to keep your cast dry when...