Brian, E. HowardQiwen, HuAhmet, Can BabaogluManan, ChandraMonica, BorghiXiaoping, TanLuyan, HeHeike, WinterSederoffWalter, GassmannPaola, Veronese
The HaloTag-TEV cassette was inserted in the 3ʹ end of titin’s exon 225, which codes for the I86 domain (residues 14072–14157, UniProt A2ASS6-1). I86 is located at the end of the I-band of titin (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1). The HaloTag-TEV cassette includes a copy...
Subsequently, Flp-RMCE was used to exchange the hygtk cassette by an LPR cassette with modified exon–cDNA sequences. In order to leave several options, the donor plasmid co-introduced a floxed neor cassette, which could later be removed by the action of Cre. Pilot experiments demonstrated ...
An independent lineage-specific expansion likely induced this kind of unique evolutionary event, as the Abch subfamily was not identi- fied in coelacanths, the most primitive fish. A synteny comparison supported the orthologous relation- ship, as the genomic structures of the neighboring genes were...
Therefore, we manually corrected the predicted exon/intron boundaries for some GLEAN models. The subfamily assignment of Tribolium ABC proteins was confirmed by blastp analyses at the NCBI webserver ( This procedure allowed unequivocal assignment of Tribolium ABC...
Therefore, a posttranscriptional event(s) may contribute to the reduced β6I protein in the peripheral blood of these animals. The β6I mRNA may be less translatable than its wild-type counterpart, or the β6I protein may be less stable in adult red blood cells. Significantly, mice that ...
Moreover, ABCG4 gene has the same intron/exon structure as ABCG1, suggesting that they arose by a relatively recent gene duplication event [66]. Overall, feeding on imidacloprid significantly affected the expression of ABC transporters especially those in ABCG subfamily, suggesting the potential ...
(Additional file8: Figure S8). The ABCG4 gene has the same intron/exon structure as ABCG1, suggesting that they arose by a relatively recent gene duplication event [66]. Similar to ABCG1, ABCG4 can be inducible by oxysterols and retinoids [67]. InH. sapiens, hABCG1 and hABCG4 ...
Moreover, almost complete editing of a splicing intermediate provided insight into the order of splicing reactions and PTB dependency of this particular splicing event. Addition of sequences for nuclear localisation of the fusion protein increased the editing efficiency, highlighting this approach's ...
(Additional file8: Figure S8). The ABCG4 gene has the same intron/exon structure as ABCG1, suggesting that they arose by a relatively recent gene duplication event [66]. Similar to ABCG1, ABCG4 can be inducible by oxysterols and retinoids [67]. InH. sapiens, hABCG1 and hABCG4 ...