Cassette Beastsis a video-game which was released in 2023. It is being developed byBytten Studioand published byRaw Fury. Cassette Beastswas released for the PC and Xbox Game Pass on April 26, 2023, for the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on May 25, 2023, and for And...
Cassette Beasts, players can use various moves in battle. Melee and Ranged attack moves inflict damage on the target.Status Effect moves apply a status effect to the target.Miscellaneous moves cause other effects on the battlefield. A move can be either active or passive. Active moves take ...
Cassette Beasts Soundtrack: Physical Release! You’ve asked for it! We’ve partnered with Black Screen Records for a physical release of the Cassette Beasts soundtrack by Joel Baylis! With both a 2-disc vinyl and a cassette tape release (of course!) this is an awesome way to enjoy the ...
Title: Cassette Beasts Game Name: Cassette Beasts Game Engine:Godot Engine Game Version: 1.1.0 Options Required: God mode, Infinite Items, Instant Catch on Tapes, Platform: Game Pass Last edited by Pur on Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total. ...
<已失时效,无需使用>《Cassette Beasts/磁带妖怪》正式版:妖怪种族值排行榜(数据来自官方wiki) 58 0 02:57 App 《磁带妖怪/Cassette Beasts》汪克利1心好感剧情与休息对话 3099 0 12:42:06 App 《Cassette Beasts/磁带妖怪》正式版:妖怪融合体 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
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Mod Utils. Contribute to Yukitty/CassetteBeasts-modutils development by creating an account on GitHub.
<已失时效,无需使用>《Cassette Beasts/磁带妖怪》正式版:妖怪种族值排行榜(数据来自官方wiki) 7613 1 04:20 App 磁带妖怪混乱之地大天使任务解法之一 1.6万 4 01:02:50 App 《Cassette Beasts/磁带妖怪》正式版:图鉴(121个妖怪与18个大天使) 4.2万 12 04:06 App 【磁带妖怪】百分百获得闪光教程 5.3万...
By default, Cassette Beasts will attempt to keep the current state of physics props in all maps. Normally, caves and dungeons are exempt from this behavior so that if a physics puzzle breaks, the player can simply leave the room and return to reset it. If your mod provides new dungeon-li...
《Cassette Beasts》磁带妖怪全宠物特殊进化一览 自取,不必客气。 (路障蟹只要是星系就可以,普通存档需要星系限定盘路障蟹,进化后会变成非限定。建议二周目随机属性捕捉普通的星系路障蟹来完成成就“进化之巅”。)