在Apple Music 上收听Joel Baylis的《Cassette Beasts (Original Game Soundtrack)》。2024年。74 首歌曲。时长:2 小时 48 分钟
这是Cassette Beasts 磁带妖怪的额外内容,但不包含基础游戏。 购买Cassette Beasts Soundtrack 特价促销!2 月 17 日 截止 -50% ¥ 42.00 ¥ 21.00 添加至购物车 购买Cassette Beasts: Deluxe Edition捆绑包(?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 5 个项目立省 15%!
Cassette Beasts: Cosplay Pack ¥ 11.00 Cassette Beasts: Original Soundtrack ¥ 42.00 Cassette Beasts: The Art Book ¥ 18.00 ¥ 118.00 将所有 DLC 添加至购物车 近期活动与公告 查看全部 游戏折扣 钻进《磁带妖怪》的世界,和寒意说再见!1 月 2 日前购买《磁带妖怪》本体或 DLC,均可享受折扣!折扣...
砖名:《Cassette Beasts (Original Game Soundtrack)》音质:24-44曲风:合成器摇滚俺嫁凯莉镇楼,楼下发神秘代码 送TA礼物 1楼2024-12-21 12:16回复 一米哇嘎奶桑 知名人士 11 Cassette Beasts OST Self-Collection此为2L🔗:网盘链接 🐎:79wv 来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-12-21 12:17 收起回复 ...
HiRes专辑名称:Joel Baylis - Cassette Beasts (Original Game Soundtrack)音乐格式:FLAC 音乐流派:...
Cassette Beasts feels very genuine. Whilst you can tell where the inspiration for certain choices has come from, the soundtrack, characters and story are all entertaining and heartfelt in a way that separates it from being just another Pokémon clone. Whilst the retro 80s design feels like a ...
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Beasts of Bourbon The Axeman’s JazzBeat, The The BeatBeat Happening JamboreeBeat Junkies feat. DJ Babu The World Famous Beat Junkies, Vol. 1Beatles Introducing The BeatlesBeatnuts Street LevelBeauregard Ajax Deaf PriscillaBeauSoleil The Best of BeausoleilBeck, Jeff Blow by BlowBee Gees 1stBell...
Cassette Beasts understands that. Music is such an integral part of the game; just look at the title! Cassettes, at least in our world, are a thing of the past – vintage items that represent times gone by. I remember going through my dad’s and my brother’s cassettes and putt...
Cassette Beasts does fall into some familiar pitfalls, making for a hit-and-miss adventure. Some might find its complexity appealing, but that comes at the expense of casual appeal and legibility. Still, I’m encouraged by how many of its original ideas land. Monster fusion is a truly ...