There has been increased evidence of enhanced effect by nitrate (NO~-_3) on the growth of rice although rice prefers the ammonium (NH~+_4) to nitrate. 利用控制条件下的溶液培养方法,研究了增硝营养(NH+4∶NO-3比例为100∶0和50∶50)对4种不同的基因型水稻(常规籼稻、常规粳稻、杂交籼稻、杂...
半胱天冬蛋白酶3 1. Objective:To observe the changes incaspase3expression and apoptosis after liver ischemia/reperfusion(I/R),and to clarify whether propofol has a liver protection effect and the possible mechanism. 目的:观察丙泊酚对大鼠肝脏缺血再灌注后细胞凋亡及半胱天冬蛋白酶3(caspase3)的表达的影...
2) caspase-3 细胞凋亡蛋白酶-3 1. The expression of IGF-Ⅰ and Caspase-3 was detected by using immunohistochemistry. 目的观察肝缺血再灌注不同时限中胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅰ(IGF-Ⅰ)及细胞凋亡蛋白酶-3(Caspase-3)的表达特点并探讨IGF-Ⅰ与肝脏功能及细胞凋亡的关系。
Caspase 3 is the most important performer in accelerating apoptosis in the caspase family. 背景与目的:细胞凋亡信号转导的关键是凋亡下游蛋白caspase-3的激活。 更多例句>> 补充资料:酒化酶、醇酶、发酵酶 分子式:CAS号:性质:又称酒化酶、醇酶、发酵酶。从酵母中分离而得的一系列酶。不耐热。它能催化酒...
Caspase3 1. Relation between Apoptosis and Expression of Apoptosis Related Protein Survivin andCaspase 3in Renal Cell Carcinoma; 凋亡相关蛋白Survivin及Caspase3在肾细胞癌中的表达及其与凋亡的关系 2. Expression of caspase 3 mRNA in feline myocardium during cardiopulmonary bypass; ...
1) active caspase-3 活性caspase-31. Objective:(1) To investigate the sensitivity of five colon adenocarcinoma cell lines SW480、HT29、HCT116、SW620、LS174T to TGF-β1 and the expression of active caspase-3 in these colon cancer cell lines. 目的:(1)观察转化生长因子β1(TGF-β1)对结...
1) Gene caspase-3 基因caspase-3 2) Caspase-3 Caspase-3基因 1. Effects of pholiota nameko polysaccharides on K562 leukemia cell proliferation andCaspase-3expression in vitro; 滑菇多糖对K562白血病细胞增殖的抑制及Caspase-3基因表达的影响 2.
AnnexinⅡ、Caspase-3蛋白在卵巢癌组织中的表达及意义 Expresstion of Annexin Ⅱ,Caspase-3 protein in ovarian cancer tissues and its significance
目的检测半胱天冬氨酸蛋白酶-3(Caspase-3)mRNA在子痫前期患者胎盘中的表达,以探求Caspase-3在子痫前期发病机制中的意义。 2. Eventually resistant tumor cells manifest as inhibition of the activation ofCaspase-3,and reduction of apoptosis. 耐药肿瘤细胞半胱天冬氨酸蛋白酶-3(Caspase-3)信号传导通路发生缺陷...
目的探讨血管内皮生长因子受体(FLK-1)、肺耐药蛋白(lung resistance protein,LRP)及半胱氨酸天冬氨酸特异性蛋白酶(Caspase-3)中的表达及临床意义。 [Objective] To study the clinical significance of the ex...