Thus, it is highlighted the need for good management of determinants, among which the CAB%, in the territory aiming at the success of the fight against dengue as well as the overall improvement in the quality of life of the Cerqueira Ribeiro, Ma...
DETERMINANTES SOCIAIS DA DISTRIBUIO ESPACIAL DOS CASOS DE DENGUE NA FAIXA FRONTEIRIA DO BRASIL 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 25 作者:JJC Cortés,NA Honório,G Gibson,PC Peiter 摘要: In the present study social determinants of the spatial distribution of dengue fever were identified at the ...
Avaliao económica dos casos de Dengue atribuídos ao desastre de 2011 em Nova Friburgo (RJ), Brasildoi:10.1590/1413-81232014199.01682014BRAZILCLIMATE changeHYDROMETEOROLOGICAL cyclesDENGUEWAGESThe prospects outlined in climate scenarios produced for Brazil indicate a ...