Chemical nameCalcium sulfate Molecular formulaCaSO4 Molecular weight136.1417 Melting point,℃1450.000 CAS NO.7778-18-9 EINECS NO.231-900-3 UN NO.3077 Technical index Superior Grade Purity,%,min99.0 Cl,%,max0.018 Carbonate,%,maxqualified
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The chemical formula for calcium hydroxide is: a. CaO. b. CaOH. c. Ca(OH)2. d. CaO2. Name the following ionic compounds by the correct cation and anion: a. HCI b. KNO3 c. MgCO3 d. LiF Give the number of e...
The catalytic effect of Fe2O3 on CaSO4 /Ben oxygen carriers (OCs) during chemical looping combustion (CLC) was analyzed and the reaction activation energy of CaSO4 /Ben OCs with different Fe2O3 contents and CO were compared. The experimental results ...
If they are soluble, write the chemical equation for dissolving in water and indicate what ions you would expect to be present in solution. (a) (NH_4)2SO_Is the compound Cr2S3 soluble or insoluble in water? Exp...
_chemical_formula_sum 'Ca S O4'_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 62 2 2'_symmetry_s...
Name the polyatomic ion: NH_4^+. Name the polyatomic anion SeO42-. What is the name of the compound with the formula Ca(OH)2? Identify the formula and name of the cation and anion. What are polyatomic ions? How do we write binary nam...