Placenta previaPlacenta accretaPlacenta percretaCesarean sectionThe number of cesarean sections has risen during the recent years, leading to an increase in abnormal placentation in future pregnancies, as well as other materno-fetal complications. Placental abnormalities and the surgical management they ...
Se trata de una paciente asintomática en la que la determinación de una β-hCG positiva previa a un ciclo de fecundación in vitro fue lo que propició la batería de pruebas diagnósticas ante la sospecha de una enfermedad Responsabilidades éticas Protección de personas y animales. Los...
Rotura de vasa previaPlacenta cordón umbilicalEmbarazo Sangramiento genitalCesáreaVasa previa rupturePlacenta UmbilicalPregnancy Vaginalgenital bleedingCesarean sectionvasa previa is a rarely condition in which, aberrant blood vessels coming from the placenta or the umbilical cord, cross...
Vasa previa is a condition in which the intramembranous fetal blood vessels within the placenta or umbilical cord cross the internal os and become trapped between the fetus and the opening of the birth canal. The incidence of this entity varies from 1/2000 to 1/3000 pregnancies and the ...