Approx. 5 years on CR2032 (includes an average of 30 presses of button per day.) Stopwatch 1/1000-second stopwatch Measuring capacity: Total elapsed time display: 9:59'59.999'' Lap time display: 59'59.999'' Split time display: 9:59'59.999'' Measuring modes: Elapsed time, lap time, ...
CASIOHS-70W操作指南说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 MA0809-EA HS-70W LAP/SPLIT TIMES ENGLISH START STOP RESET 1ST LAP 2ND LAP 3RD LAP Time Display Stopwatch Display 0 a (a) b (a + b) c (a + b + c) (t) Day of the week CHART ( ) 1ST SPLIT a Lap coun...
Stopwatch 1/1000-second stopwatch Measuring capacity: Total elapsed time display: 9:59'59.999'' Lap time display: 59'59.999'' Split time display: 9:59'59.999'' Measuring modes: Elapsed time, lap time, split time, 1st-100th place time, lap counter (up to 99) Memory capacity: 2 sets ...