MULTIFIELD LINE PRW3500T-7 Triple Sensor Version 3 is the advanced CASIO original technology that makes it possible to pack sensors 95% smaller than those of previous models into a totally new type of compact PRO TREK. Despite their smaller size, the new sensors in this model provide improved...
此款CASIO PRW-6000Y-1ACR 男款太阳能电波运动腕表是卡西欧在PROTREK 2014上新发布的腕表,搭载全新第三代感应器,能耗低、精度更高,高度、温度测量和电子罗盘等功能应有尽有,同时具备6局全球电波功能,可以抵抗-10℃的严酷环境。
首先,肯定是官网 PRW-60Y-1A | CASIO卡西欧官方网站 手表| 说明书 | 5578 | CASIO卡西欧官方网站 重点是使...
I have two other prw3500 models and they are 1/2 the price of this one, and perform better. First, the backlight of 3500t-7 is dim on one half, while the other 3500's have an even backlight which lights up the whole face. Secondly, with all 3 watches in the same place, only...
其中065是指一年中的第65天生产,J代表 33214438 卡西欧吧 丢了鱼的猫ლ 请教各位网友卡西欧手表EQB-501怎么退出飞行模式, 分享166 卡西欧吧 木子木白木公 刚入手卡西欧登山表PRW=3500T-7,请问怎么把华氏温度调成摄氏温度本人小白一名,刚刚入手登山表PRW=3500T-7,拿回来之后感觉还行唯一的毛病就是测量温度总是...
PRW-3500 | PRW3500 3414 CTL1616 $20+ on Amazon PRW-3510 | PRW3510 3444 CTL1616 $20+ on Amazon PRW-50 | PRW50 5620 CTL1616 $20+ on Amazon PRW-5000 | PRW5000 5114 CTL1616 $20+ on Amazon PRW-51 | PRW51 5620 CTL1616 $20+ on Amazon PRW-5100 | PRW5100 5214 CTL1616 $20+ on...
这款PRW-3500T-7CR 三重感应 光动能6局电波登山表,是2015年最新款,表带采用钛合金材质,不刺激皮肤且质轻,抗低温-10°。 采用全新升级的卡西欧第三代三重感应器:数字罗盘、气压计和... 分享回复1 卡西欧吧 asia86311 Casio/卡西欧 PRW5000T-7 6局电波太阳能表(个人闲置)1800元Casio/卡西欧 PRW5000T-7 6...
以下所有“本计 26760 fx-es(ms)吧 happyM31 闲得无聊,今天来给CASIO挑刺就是数那些别家能做到但卡西欧做不到的事(限函数机) 分享5846 卡西欧吧 00大大5 求助casiowatch无法联网casiowatches一直显示连接不上网络怎么办?网络设置没有问题啊,求助求助 分享61 protrek吧 ty5176 全网唯一卡西欧prw3500t表链拆卸拆解...