The official PRO TREK site. A rich assortment of PRO TREK authentic outdoor gear products. This lineup is optimal for mountain climbing, trekking, and fishing. CLIMBER LINE, ANGLER LINE Smartphone Link, CAMPER LINE
This timepiece really delivers the whole package — convenient, one-push outdoor functionality in a watch that incorporates materials expected to help reduce environmental impact. Satisfy your passion for the great outdoors and love of the environment with the digital PRW-35. The soft urethane band...
Band Color: blue silver buckleProduct sellpoints Compatibility: Casio PROTREK Series,Specifically tailored for Casio PROTREK series, this watchband ensures a perfect fit for models PRW-3000, 3100, 6000, 6100Y. Prw 50y 1ber|Casiosk|Material: Nylon Canvas,Crafted from durable nylon canvas, this...
23mm Ceramic Stainless Steel Strap Watchband For Casio PROTREK Series PRW-30 PRW-50 PRW-60 PRW-70YT Waterproof Sport Watch Band Band Color: F Black-silver Band Width: 23mm 23mm Product sellpoints Easy to Install:The benchmark basic watch strap is user-friendly, allowing for a quick and ...
Casio Pro Trek PRW-3510Y, New Batt, Working, Men Watch Solar 1,441.68元 + 216.61元 运费 赞助 Casio Pro Trek Men's Tough Solar Silver-Tone Titanium Band 56mm Watch PRW3500T-7 2,263.94元 + 224.29元 运费 Casio Pro Trek Men's Tough Solar 56mm Watch PRW3500Y ...
今年四月,夏天还未开始,Casio 的 PRO TREK便到达我的手中。全称是:Casio PRO TREK Triple Sensor Analog-Digital Tough Solar Watch。 防水功能自不用说,它具备三重感应系统(Triple Sensor)提供:气压、温度、海拔数据,同时,还带有方向指示的功能。 本体长这样: ...
CasioProTrekMulti Field Line Ltd Multiband 6 Watch PRW-7000X-1 MULTI FIELD LINE LIMITED MODEL WITH A SPECIAL EXTERIOR DESIGN 20-bar water resistance widens the scope of activities available to the user, and specs that support various activities in the mountains, rivers, and the ocean are insta...
今年四月,夏天还未开始,Casio 的 PRO TREK便到达我的手中。全称是:Casio PRO TREK Triple Sensor Analog-Digital Tough Solar Watch。 防水功能自不用说,它具备三重感应系统(Triple Sensor)提供:气压、温度、海拔数据,同时,还带有方向指示的功能。 本体长这样: ...
在 台中市 (Taichung),Taiwan 購買Pro Trek Casio watch New! 超新手錶 登山可用. 於 精品手錶 中找到最棒的交易!私訊購買!
Equipped with a digital compass, barometer/altimeter and thermometer—and built using biomass plastics—the Casio Pro Trek Triple Sensor PRG340 watch is made for nature lovers. Features Biomass plastics in the case, band and case back are produced using materials derived from castor seeds and corn...