LK-S250 門市位置(在新分頁中開啟) 隨時隨地即興演奏,盡在發光琴鍵系統 功能 纖薄及時尚的輕便設計 LK-S250 讓您隨時隨地享受彈奏音樂的樂趣。纖巧尺寸為 930 毫米 x 256 毫米 x 73 毫米,體積比型號 LK-265 及 LK-266 小 30%,鹼性電池的使用時間可達約 16 小時*。僅重 3.3 千克,鍵盤頂部設有手把,便...
With the LK-S250 you can enjoy music whenever and wherever you like. Its compact size of 930 mm x 256 mm x 73 mm is 30% smaller in volume than the LK-265 and LK-266 models, and it boasts roughly 16 hours of alkaline battery life*. With a grip at the top of the keyboard and...
casio LK-S250 是一款适合初学者的最佳数码钢琴键盘。casio LK-S250 的音质不如Yamaha YPT-260 那么出色,而且可能也没有Yamaha YPT-260 那么经久耐用。 事实上,LK-S250 会比其他产品更快地让你享受到演奏的乐趣,这一点非常值得肯定。 琴键上的照明灯是该机的一大特色,证明它是为学习而设计的。 当然,casio...
LK-S250 $179.99 BUY NOW Free Shipping $99 and over Privia PX-S3000 $749.99 SOLD OUT CELVIANO AP-470BK BUY NOW CELVIANO AP-470BN BUY NOW CELVIANO AP-470WE BUY NOW Free Shipping $99 and over CELVIANO AP-270BK $1,199.99 BUY NOW ...
Casio LK-S450 Instrument Type:Portable Arranger Keyboard User Level:Beginner Price Range:$100 – $250 Models: Casiotone LK-S250 Casiotone LK-S450 Another throwback to Casio’s early works, the LK series is a long running series that useslight-up keysas a teaching tool. For visual learners...
CT-S1, CT-S1-76, CT-S190, CT-S195, CT-S200, CT-S300, CT-S400, CT-S410, LK-S245, LK-S250, LK-S450, CT-S500, CT-S1000V ※Note that not all models support all features of the app. Please seeherefor details. Connecting Your Smart Device ...
採用時尚捲口式設計的專用鍵盤套 專屬柔軟鍵盤套與 CT-S 系列及 LK-S250 完美配合;捲口式設計時尚之餘,功能性亦見提升。無論打算出走何方,您都可以打開背包帶,隨身攜帶鍵盤。可容納樂譜架及 AC 連接器。 輸入/輸出端子 *點擊此處取得支援 USB(至主機)功能的作業系統清單。規格...
I’m using the LK-S250. Some of the features on the app aren’t compatible with my model since it a lower end model and older I think. I can’t seem to adjust the volume between the keyboard and the app which makes it hard to hear between the two. Some of the midi I imported...
LK-S245, LK-S250, LK-S450 Connecting Your Smart Device The joy of playing a musical instrument for everyone CASIO MUSIC SPACE is an app exclusively for Casio digital piano and keyboard users. When connected to your Casio piano...
・For information on the connection method, refer to the User’s Guide for your musical instrument. Enable the Bluetooth function in the settings on your smart device. Connecting via Built-in Bluetooth® You can connect using built-in Bluetooth. ...