LK-S250 讓您隨時隨地享受彈奏音樂的樂趣。纖巧尺寸為 930 毫米 x 256 毫米 x 73 毫米,體積比型號 LK-265 及 LK-266 小 30%,鹼性電池的使用時間可達約 16 小時*。僅重 3.3 千克,鍵盤頂部設有手把,便於攜帶。圓潤的邊緣及角位設計,令攜帶更安全。
The LK-S250 features a simple, intuitive interface, offering an organized layout with fewer buttons by using both a full dot LCD screen and dial. It is also equipped with a home button that lets users return to the original screen at any time, making for a superior multi-function keyboard...
casio LK-S250 是一款适合初学者的最佳数码钢琴键盘。casio LK-S250 的音质不如Yamaha YPT-260 那么出色,而且可能也没有Yamaha YPT-260 那么经久耐用。 事实上,LK-S250 会比其他产品更快地让你享受到演奏的乐趣,这一点非常值得肯定。 琴键上的照明灯是该机的一大特色,证明它是为学习而设计的。 当然,casio...
Privia PX-870BK Privia PX-870BN Privia PX-870WE Casiotone LK-S250 CT-X CT-X3000 CT-X CT-X5000 CT-X CT-X700 CT-X CT-X800 Mini Keyboards SA-46 Mini Keyboards SA-47 Mini Keyboards SA-76 Mini Keyboards SA-77 Mini Keyboards SA-78 其他 MZ-X500 產品...
LK-S250 $179.99 BUY NOW Free Shipping $99 and over Privia PX-S3000 $749.99 SOLD OUT CELVIANO AP-470BK BUY NOW CELVIANO AP-470BN BUY NOW CELVIANO AP-470WE BUY NOW Free Shipping $99 and over CELVIANO AP-270BK $1,199.99 BUY NOW ...
Privia PX-870BK Privia PX-870BN Privia PX-870WE Casiotone LK-S250 CT-X CT-X3000 CT-X CT-X5000 CT-X CT-X700 CT-X CT-X800 Mini Keyboards SA-46 Mini Keyboards SA-47 Mini Keyboards SA-76 Mini Keyboards SA-77 Mini Keyboards SA-78 其他 MZ-X500 產品...
Casio LK-S450 Instrument Type:Portable Arranger Keyboard User Level:Beginner Price Range:$100 – $250 Models: Casiotone LK-S250 Casiotone LK-S450 Another throwback to Casio’s early works, the LK series is a long running series that useslight-up keysas a teaching tool. For visual learners...
CT-S1, CT-S1-76, CT-S190, CT-S195, CT-S200, CT-S300, CT-S400, CT-S410, LK-S245, LK-S250, LK-S450, CT-S500, CT-S1000V ※Note that not all models support all features of the app. Please seeherefor details. Connecting Your Smart Device ...
Song Book for CTK-2500, CTK-2550, CTK-3500, LK-190, LK-265, LK-266 Version Song Book for LK-S245 Version Song Book for LK-S250 Version Song Book for LK-S450 Version Song Book for SA-50,SA-51 Version Song Book for SA-80,SA-81 Version Firmware...
Connecting to a Musical Instrument To use the app, first connect your device to a compatible musical instrument. You can connect via Bluetooth®(WU-BT10/Built-in) or using a cable (USB cable/Audio cable). The connection method differs depending on your musical instrument. ...