JF-120FM 我的最愛 / 型號比較 功能介紹輕鬆計算成本、售價和利潤兼具實用性及設計感 實用性 超大顯示幕 大螢幕顯示,提升視覺舒適度,眼睛無負擔。 貼心的按鍵配置及設計 直覺式配置與及符合人體工學的設計,讓使用操作更加容易。舒適的按鍵觸感,減輕手部負擔 按鍵採用吸震結構及兩段式按壓設計,可減輕手部負擔...
DEC-2018 - Calculator: Compact Desk Type, Stylish, business, Cost, Selling price, Margin - JF-120FM-PK, JF-120FM-GY, DM-1600F, DM-1400F, DM-1200FM, DF-120FM-PK, DF-120FM-GY, D-120F, J-120F, MS-120FM-PK, MS-120FM-GY, MS-100FM-GY, MS-80F, MS-20F, MS-10F, MS-...
12 digits Time calculationTime calculation allows easy input and calculation of hour, minute, and second values. Cost/Sell/MarginCalculate the cost, selling price, or margin of profit on an item, given the other two values. Solar & BatterySolar powered when light is sufficient, battery powered...
Tax calculationAutomatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount. Solar & BatterySolar powered when light is sufficient, battery powered when light is insufficient. ...
12 digits Specifications 12 digits Tax calculationAutomatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount. Cost/Sell/MarginCalculate the cost, selling price, or margin of profit on an item, given the other two values. ...