使用GPW-2000 「G-SHOCK Connected 應用程式」注意事項 了解更多 *此App目前仍在開發階段, 最終畫面可能會有所不同。 支援的手機型號(截至 2017 年 5 月為止) iOS:iOS 10 及以上。 Android:Android 6.0 及以上。 * 僅適用於已安裝 Bluetooth® 的智能手機。
GPW-2000에서 ‘G-SHOCK Connected 앱’ 사용 시 주의 사항 자세히 - 비행 기록 기능[스마트폰 앱]시점 메모리는 버튼 작업으로 입력됩니다(타임 스탬프). 위치 정보는 스마트폰에 동...
GPW2000-1A2 670 USD Bluetooth, GPS, sapphire crystal GPRB1000-1 Rangeman 730 USD Solar-powered, extremely durable, sapphire crystal MTGB1000B-1A 1,000 USD Solar-powered, Bluetooth, sapphire crystal GMWB5000TB-1 1,600 USD Solar-powered, Bluetooth, sapphire crystal, titanium case and bracelet...
Why is automatic GPS time synchronization not working on my GPW-1000? Timepiece Questions Tidepoint Port Location Listing Adding and Removing Band Links - Watch Band Length Casio Analog Digital Waveceptor DST Setting Video Preparing Casio Analog-Digital Watch for Leap Year AQ-S810W - Adj...
* 圖片顯示 GPW-2000-1A。 大型前按鈕 在錶殼的 6 時位置有一個大型按鈕,可以啟動光源並突顯堅固的設計。 超級光源(高亮度 LED) LED 照亮錶盤,確保黑暗中依然清晰可見。 錶盤內置太陽能板 將太陽能電池形狀優化以改善發電效率,並可僅使用透過錶盤區域錶面接收到的光線來產生足夠的電力,從而進一步改善遮光分散型太...
Stands up to rough use Carbon fiber insert band Carbon fiber of outstanding tensile strength is molded into urethane resin for a band that resists breaking. Strength and accuracy to support flight missions. Power generated from little light In-dial solar panel Instant start of new timing ...
下表带用粉紫色印刻TOUGH SOLAR(太阳能动力供能),上表带绿色MULTI BAND6(全球六局电波校时,在地球大部分地区都可精准授时)。ISO认证200米防水,可满足专业潜水需求,游弋溪流、漫步雨林皆可轻松应对~ 天猫casio旗舰店售价6990元,可领取10元优惠券,实付6980元,21日23:59开售,感兴趣的值友可以关注~...
-GPW-2000-1A, GPW-200-1A2, GPW-2000-3A SEP-2017 - G-SHOCK: 35th Anniversary, BIG BANG BLACK, Limited Edition, Master Of G, MUDMASTER, Eric Haze, SINCE 1983 - GG-1035A-1A, GA-135A-1A, GA-735A-1A, GA-835A-1A SEP-2017 - G-SHOCK: 35th Anniversary, Limited Edition, ...
Casio says they have built the Casio G-Shock Gravitymaster GPW2000-1A “specifically for aviation experts” by combining their Mission Stamp function with Bluetooth technology. In essence, “Mission Stamp” uses the built-in GPS to record both time and location over a set period of time and th...
It has the original square case design in a full stainless steel screw-back case along with Tough Solar, Multi-Band-6, and Bluetooth connectivity. Yes, the GMW-B5000D-1 and GMW-B5000TFG-9 also have all that, but this has the same color scheme of the original G-Shock DW-5000C-1A ...