G-SHOCK 在不斷追求強悍的過程中持續進化,此型號採用了方形設計 5600 系列的金屬材質。錶殼內使用樹脂材質,錶圈蓋採用堅硬不鏽鋼材質,以創造出高品質質感,同時維持輕巧舒適的貼合感,搭配反轉 LCD 液晶呈現出更別緻的外觀。5600 系列保留來自第一代的概念,但經過改良以
From G-SHOCK, the watches that are ever evolving in pursuit of toughness, this model uses the metal materials of the square-design 5600 series. The use of a resin material inside the case and a hard stainless steel material for the bezel cover creates a high-quality feel while maintaining ...
From G-SHOCK, the watches that are ever evolving in pursuit of toughness, this model uses the metal materials of the square-design 5600 series. The use of a resin material inside the case and a hard stainless steel material for the bezel cover creates
GM-5600B-1 From G-SHOCK, the watches that are ever evolving in pursuit of toughness, this model uses the metal materials of the square-design 5600 series. The use of a resin material inside the case and a hard stainless steel material for the bezel cover creates a high-quality feel whil...
產品比較 G-SHOCK GM-S5600SB-1 建議售價NT$6,500 G-SHOCK GM-5600-1 建議售價NT$6,000 錶殼尺寸(長× 寬× 高) 43.8 × 38.4 × 10.9 mm 49.6 × 43.2 × 12.9 mm 重量 50 g 73 g 電池與電池壽命 約略電池壽命:使用 CR1616 為 2 年 約略電池壽命:使用 CR2016 為 2 年 查看更多 ...
From G-SHOCK, the watches that are ever evolving in pursuit of toughness, this model uses the metal materials of the square-design 5600 series. The use of a resin material inside the case and a hard stainless steel material for the bezel cover creates
From G-SHOCK, the watches that are ever evolving in pursuit of toughness, this model uses the metal materials of the square-design 5600 series. The use of a resin material inside the case and a hard stainless steel material for the bezel cover creates
G-SHOCK 手錶在追求堅韌中不斷發展,其中的這款型號使用方形設計 5600 系列的金屬材質。錶殼內部使用樹脂材料,錶圈蓋使用硬質不鏽鋼材料,在保持輕巧舒適的同時營造出高品質的質感。倒置 LCD 的使用也實現了更為別緻的外觀。5600 系列在保持第一代傳承的理念的同時,精益求
G-SHOCK系列 石英机芯类型 49.6*43.2毫米表径 树脂/不锈钢表壳材质 从哪里购买卡西欧腕表 更多> 卡西欧销售店铺 热门城市: 北京 上海 广州 成都 重庆 西安开元钟楼 电话:029-87235469 地址:西安市碑林区东大街解放市场6号开元商城F1层亨吉利世界名表中心