全球版圖CASIO 科學型計算機 全球版圖 CASIO 科學型計算機 CASIO 科學型/繪圖型計算機的使用遍及全球超過 100 個國家/地區,已成為數學課程不可或缺的工具。 我們不僅在開發技術時將不同國家/地區的特殊教育需求納入考量,同時也持續為教師提供支援,讓他們能夠輕鬆與 CASIO 合作。
[Official CASIO Scientific & Graphing Calculator website] Choose the best from our Handheld and Software of Scientific/ Graphing Calculators.
Each pack contains ten (10) scientific calculators and one (1) blue Casio-branded fabric tote bag. The selected models encompass: fx-300ES Plus 2nd Edition Teacher Pack fx-300MS Plus 2nd Edition Teacher Pack fx-55 PLUS Teacher Pack Additionally, Casio enables procurement specialists to submit ...
The FX-115ES Plus Advanced Scientific Calculator has 2-line Natural Textbook Display and is Solar Powered with Battery Backup. Features: Natural textbook display shows formula and results exactly as they appear in the textbook Complex number calculations ...
The Black fx-260 SOLAR II compact scientific calculator features a 10-digit display that is large enough to handle decimals, fractions, exponentials, and statistics in addition to hundreds of other math functions.
Casio FX-991CW Classwiz Non-Programmable Scientific Calculator & Casio FX-991ES Plus-2nd Edition Scientific Calculator, Black Add $89.78current price $89.78Casio FX-991CW Classwiz Non-Programmable Scientific Calculator & Casio...
Casio FX-991CW CLASSWIZ Advanced Scientific Calculator Natural Textbook Display shows fractions as fractions. Cursor keys allow for easy navigation and on-screen selection and icon menu makes easy to navigate to each function. Spreadsheet functionality. Graphs can be displayed on CP.net by generatin...
卡西欧计算器手机版是一款模拟卡西欧计算器完整版的计算器应用,支持fx 500,fx500,570vn plus,82ms和82 ms,82es&82 es,fx 4500,991es plus,991ms的大部分功能。其正式用名是:Calc Busines,集科学计算器,导数,积分,方程求解和线性代数带你给多种功能为一体,具有数百种功能,可为用户提供大多数数学计算所需的一...
The fx-991CW ClassWiz is the latest enhancement to the scientific calculator. With an all-new quadruple graded LCD display, users will be able to easily find their cursor while writing and modifying expressions. All of the calculator's functions can be accessed through the convenient Math Catalog...
Casio FX-300ESPLUS Scientific Calculator 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Casio 卡西欧FX-300ESPLUS科学计算器 12.62 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里