AboutThisManual Dependingonthemodelo yourwatch,displaytext• appearseitherasdarkguresonalightbackground,or lightguresonadarkbackground.Allsampledisplays inthismanualareshownusingdarkguresonalight background. Buttonoperationsareindicatedusingthelettersshown• ...
卡西欧CASIO F91W、F108说明书 下载积分: 800 内容提示: 1Operation Guide 3224MA1006-EAAbout This Manual Depending on the model of your watch, display text appears either as dark fgures on a light background, or light fgures on a dark background. All sample displays in this manual are shown...
appears either as dark figures on a light background, or light figures on a dark background. All sample displays in this manual are shown using dark figures on a light background. Button operations are indicated using the letters shown ? in the illustration. Each section of this manual provi...