Utilisateurs concernés Détenteurs d'un modèle EXILIM dont l'appareil fonctionne encore sous la version 1.00-1.03 du micrologiciel. Important : Si l'installation de la mise à jour du micrologiciel est interrompue du fait d'une faible charge de la batterie, votre appareil ne pourra plus f...
32位元 64位元 Dynamic Photo Manager 1.0 EX-F1 Controller 1.001 YouTube Uploader for CASIO 2.0.3 Photo Loader with HOT ALBUM Photo Loader 3.0.2 Photohands 1.0.3 Photo Transport 1.0.2 CASIO Data Transport 1.0.1 EXILIM 360 Viewer 2.0.0 Windows8 is not supported.*...
品牌:奥德盛(ODSX) 商品名称:奥德盛(ODSX) 卡西欧 CASIO EX-H20 H10 FH100数码相机 NP-90 电池 USB充电器 USB 充电器 (带电量显示) Exilim EX-H10 商品编号:17211547739 店铺:奥德盛数码旗舰店 电池型号:相机电池套装 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中......
Casio has launched the Exilim EX-FH20 high speed digital compact camera. Building on the interest in its EX-F1 model, the FH20 offers a burst rate of up to 40fps and movies at 1000fps. The camera is built around a 9.1MP, 1/2.3” CMOS sensor and 20x zoom lens (26-520mm equiv)...
『H34』デジカメ CASIO EXILIM EXFC500SEXZ300EXH10EXH15EXZ370EXZ60EXZ500EXZ700EXZ800まとめ10台 動作未確認 現状 2608元 剩:1天 EXILIM CASIO デジタルカメラ EXZ1000 美品 87元 剩:2天 [表情]▲【CASIO カシオ】コンパクトデジタルカメラ EXZR20 0319 8 52元 剩:7小时 [表情]ハロカメ...
活動現場將主打『高畫質影像旗艦機種ZR100』與『長效電力完美旅行機H30』2款機種,ZR100搭載CASIO獨家EXILIM Engine HS不但讓速度反應加快1000%,並有效提升影像品質,HDR及HDR-ART(藝術模式)輕鬆製造更加瑰麗的藝術感受,360°全景模式,讓生活增添趣味 Full HD動畫讓拍照更兼具錄影再次提升消費型數位相機新境界,讓玩家無...
After yesterday's small DSLR excitement, we have something for people looking for something even more compact. Such as a compact camera. Just liike clockwork, Casio has announced just such a device. The Casio Exilim EX-Z9 is an 8.1 megapixel compact with 3X optical zoom and 23 Best Shot...
Casio EXILIM Hi-Zoom EX-H20G GalleryAll images copyright © 2011 by The Imaging Resource. All rights reserved.YCIMG0196.JPG 7,876,842 bytes 4320x3240 1/80 sec f4.0 0.0 EV 8.4 mm focal length ISO 80 YCIMG0197.JPG 7,495,969 bytes 3240x4320 1/60 sec f3.2 0.0 EV 4.3 mm focal ...
US pricing for the Casio EXILIM EX-H20G is set at around $350, with availability from November 2010. Casio EXILIM EX-H20G User Report by Mike Pasini After using the Casio EX-H20G for a few days we had the irresistible urge to take a little trip. It was the camera's fault. This...
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