Home Support FAQs Digital Cameras EX-100F Movie MovieQ10 What focusing options are available for movie recording? A10 During FHD/STD movie recording, simply pressing the movie button will record while continually focusing automatically, regardless of whether the Continuous AF setting is On or Off. ...
EX-100F General Performance, Recording Conditions, Memory Card Most Read FAQRecently Updated FAQ Q1 What is the recording capacity of the camera in terms of number of images and movie recording time? Q2 The monitor screen display image can be flipped vertically?
F2.8, 16mm * super wide-angle lens for shooting wide scenes Its super wide-angle 16mm * lens shoots over a wide range with little distortion. With the magnificent outdoors as your backdrop, enjoy your selfies — alone or with friends — turning out just as you wanted. * 35mm film ...
Exilim10万像素拍摄光学变焦镜头SensorshiftCMOS防抖功能Exilim EX—FC100搭载了910万像素CMOS,最大成像3456×2592像素.FC10提供5倍光学变焦镜头,等效焦长为37mm~185mm,最大光圈为F36—45.相机采用Sensor—shift进行光学式防抖功能.机背搭载27英寸,23万像素LCDVIP数码...
苏宁易购为您提供卡西欧(CASIO) EXILIM EX-100F数码相机和卡西欧(CASIO) EX-ZR2000(银) 数码相机+16G卡参数对比,让您了解卡西欧(CASIO) EXILIM EX-100F数码相机和卡西欧(CASIO) EX-ZR2000(银) 数码相机+16G卡哪个好,让您选择更喜欢的商品。更多商品对比区别,请到苏宁易购
88VIP:SONY 索尼 ZV-1 1英寸数码相机 手柄电池套装(9.4-25.7mm、F1.8)黑色 3678元(需用券) 推荐人:主动是不平凡的 标签: 数码相机 相机优惠好货 品类榜商品 阅读全文 1 1 1 0 去购买 > 12-16 21:30 天猫精选 相关文章(5) 原创 室内自拍辅助神器——CASIO 卡西欧 EX-FR10 数码相机 〇、前言...
比友“欧阳”爆料原文: 卡西欧EX-FR100数码相机,原价2999元,目前某东特价2399元包邮,价格不错 卡西欧EX-FR100数码相机,搭载16mm超广角镜头(35mm胶片等值换算),特有的全身拍摄方式,让美腿更修长,F2.8的亮度,在昏暗场所也可以实现美丽拍摄。 标签: 照相机京东...
Also, utilizing the big screen, comes complete with an EX Finder to display indicators on all four sides of the LCD when shooting * . Enjoy shooting in your own style by checking the shooting parameters. Plus, also includes other modes such as thumbnails mode, featuring thumbnails of the ...