CTK-520L 指導用家完成課程的標準發光琴鍵鍵盤 CTK-520L 是首款具備發光琴鍵功能的型號。鍵盤尺寸與鋼琴相若,彈奏時黑白鍵會發出紅光,藉此指示彈奏者該按的琴鍵,帶領他們彈奏 40 首內置歌曲。另設有三級教學功能,讓用家按三個難度等級跟隨發光琴鍵練習。這款創新鍵盤讓毫無演奏樂器經驗的初學者也能跟隨發光琴鍵的...
How do you turn off the key lights on a Casio CTK-520L? it has no key light button. The manual is not available online and a Google search come up dry. Quote Null Members 1.8k Posted January 13, 2014 You can find the manual here. https://www.servicecasio.com/web/dow...
26 CTK-511 CASTELLANO User manual 27 CTK-511 En User manual 28 CTK-511 PORTUGUES User manual 29 CTK-519 CASTELLANO User manual 30 CTK-519 En User manual 31 CTK-520L User manual 32 CTK-530 Castellano User manual 33 CTK-531 User manual 34 CTK-533 User manual 35 CTK-541 User manual 36...