too. What makes this Casio retro watch stand out is its multifunctional dial. Yes, the dial doesn’t just have a display for the time. It also has specific areas that display some of the watch’s many functions, such as a world time indicator and a countdown timer display. ...
Casio Vintage (A168WA-1YES) 4,4 31,07 € 9+Shops Casio G-Shock (GA-2100-1A1ER) 4,6 83,00 € 9+Shops Casio G-Shock Master of G-Land Mudman (GW-9500-3ER) 318,86 € 6Shops Casio PX-S1100 498,00 € 9+Shops Casio CT-S1 198,75 € 9+Shops Casio FX-810DE CW 24,36 €...
价格: US $12.00 约87.82元 包邮 预计送达日期:11月17日, 星期五 - 12月1日, 星期五预计送达日期:11月17日, 星期五 - 12月1日, 星期五 退货: 14 天退货.由买家支付退货运费. 物品状况: 全新带标签全新带标签 Alarm, Stop Watch, Chronograph. ...
Only 1 left CASIOVintage A168WA-1WDF Black Dial Silver Stainless Steel B... ₹2,695 Free delivery Only few left CASIOYOUTH Analog Watch - For Men & Women AD272 (MQ-24B-1BD... ₹1,397 ₹1,995 29% off Free delivery Only few left CASIOEDIFICE Analog-Digital Watch - For Men ED...
Casio A168WA-1YES Gray Men's Watch 4.8 颗星(共 5 颗星),基于 244 个商品评分(244) 174.24元 全新 131.22元 二手 Casio DW5600E-1V Wrist Watch for Men 4.8 颗星(共 5 颗星),基于 380 个商品评分(380) 232.85元 全新 182.26元 二手 Wristwatches中的优惠商品 目前显示第 1 张/共 2张 - Wrist...
A168WG-9EF 83.00 лв. A159WGEA-1EF 97.00 лв. EF-129D-2AVEF 162.00 лв. A168WA-1YES 78.00 лв. GA-110-1BER 235.00 лв. AE-1500WH-8BVEF 78.00 лв. GA-140-1A1ER 212.00 лв. GA-700-1BER 232.00 лв. A168WEM-7EF 97.00 лв. GA-2100-1A1ER 212.00...
Casio W-800H-1AVES Vintage Edgy 36.8 mm Black Digital Sports Watch CN¥235.- ● In stock Compare View Product Bestseller Casio A168WA-1YES Retro Mirror 36.3 mm Digital Silver Watch CN¥269.- ● In stock Compare View Product Bestseller Casio DBC-32-1AES Databank Cal...
Casio Vintage (A168WA-1YES) 4,4 € 34,99 8Geschäfte Casio Retro (AQ-230A-7DMQYES) 4,0 € 42,00 6Geschäfte Casio Edifice (EF-527D-1AVEF) 4,5 € 121,99 6Geschäfte Casio G-Shock (GA-2100-1A1ER) 4,6 € 87,00 7Geschäfte Casio Wave Ceptor (LCW-M170TD-1AER...
来电话的时候会语音报号,说YES接通,NO挂断,降噪还算可以,乱糟糟的超市门口对方能听清我说话,我捂着另一个耳朵能听清楚对方的。蓝牙连接的时候会报语音,电量会在手机上显示。 下面说一下缺点吧,穿墙效果不太好,手机在卧室,我走向客厅在墙角位置会出现暂时性断链,手机和耳机之间距离快速扩大的时候,会影响蓝牙连接...
Casio Vintage A171WE1AEF Imagine taking a classic square Casio watch, the A168WA from earlier for example, and pouring it into a traditionally round silhouette. That’s what this Vintage A171WE-1AEF is, and it’s simultaneously typical and distinct — a difficult combination to achieve. Casi...