No Time to Die came from an idea Daniel Craig had while making Casino Royale, according to the James Bond actor himself. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Craig explained why, after saying Spectre would be his final time as 007, he changed his mind. "I finished that m...
But in 1998, Pfeiffer finally gave the ‘54 “Royale” the royal treatment, with a handsomely packaged Collector’s Edition, introduced by Pfeiffer himself. “There were two versions floating around out there,” says Pfeiffer, “And I realized I had the one with the complete ending.” So ...
(1963, 14) later explained inan article forBooks and Bookmen: “You don’t make a great deal of moneyfrom royalties and translation rights and so forth [...] but if you sell the serialrights and f ilm rights, you do very well.”CBS had boughtCasino Royalefor a new drama anthology ...
Casino Royale, novel by British writer Ian Fleming, published in 1953, which is the first of his 12 blockbuster novels about the suave and supercompetent British spy James Bond. The book is packed with violent action, hairbreadth escapes, international e