Star Entertainment chief executive Steve McCann, who previously led Crown Resorts through to its takeover by US private equity group Blackstone, joined the company in June.“I recognise that there are many complex issues and challenges for the company to address,” McCann said at the announcement ...
It’s basically the Facebook parent company’s response to OpenAI’s GPT and Google’s Gemini—but with one key difference: it’s freely available for almost anyone to use for research and commercial purposes. That’s a pretty big deal, and over the past year, Llama 2, the previous mo...
By the summer of 2014, Melniks’ dream began to look like reality. With the venue secured, his company applied to the Gambling Commission for approval. Sixteen weeks later, Melniks had become the first eastern European businessman to own a casino in London. Walker scrambled to assemble a te...
Since there are no unanticipated sales that will start cutting into the company’s earnings, the models that merely give a basic income and low commissions to employees are the simplest to plan financially around. This is because there are fewer moving parts to consider. This particular sales co...
As Intel was a huge company, there was robust documentation for all the initiatives. Christensen reviewed the documents and found that the common flaw was the spreadsheet. Whatever the company’s required IRR (internal rate of return) in the proposal, the P&L always showed you would get that...
Although my blog is focused on the social gaming space, the above lessons and practices are valuable to any company. In social gaming, however, the market evolves so quickly that collaboration is a huge tool for maintaining a competitive advantage. ...