a Lump Sum of Cash Your financial situation can change in an instant. After getting an Annuity or Structured Settlement, you probably had big plans for the money. You may not have planned on receiving your money in monthly payments. Maybe you planned to pay off debts, buy a car, buy a...
Receive cash for structured settlement payments. For over 13 years 123 Lump Sum has helped thousands of people like you get cash for their payments.
Receive cash for structured settlement payments. For over 13 years 123 Lump Sum has helped thousands of people like you get cash for their payments.
People sell their structured settlement all the time, for many of reasons: Finances and Debt Unexpected Expenses New Home/Car or Repairs Tuition/Start a Business If you're thinking to cash out your settlement payments for a lump sum, you owe it to yourself to speak with us. ...
Are you receiving payments on a private loan? Wouldn’t you rather have the cash now? If you're receiving payments on any type real estate note, land contract, promissory note, private loan, structured settlement, or injury award we can help!
You can turn your monthly annuity into a lump sum by finding a quality offer from a reputable company. Access Your Money You do not have to wait for your structured settlement payments each month. Instead, you can access your money on your own schedule, without the wait. ...
Waiting for your structured settlement or annuity payment can seem like a major financial roadblock in moving forward with your life. Selling your future payments for a lump sum could be a good way to remove obstacles that are holding you back. ...
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structured settlement with monthly payments? gaming award / lottery winning with monthly payments? Do you need aLump Sum Advance of Cashon a pending award or settlement such as a (an)... pending inheritance tied up in the probate system?
In insurance, a cash settlement is a lump-sum payment from an insurance company to settle a claim, as opposed to providing repairs or other services to make the insured whole. By accepting a settlement, you may give up the opportunity to pursue the insurance company for further losses. It ...