Check with your creditors about options to refinance with lower payments. 13. Raise additional funds If you’ve done all you can to affect your incoming and outgoing cash (your cash flow), but your burn rate is still too high—and, crucially, you are confident that your business can be ...
"Going forward we are committing more cash to our shareholders. The increase in EOG's cash return commitment to a minimum 70% of annual free cash flow reflects EOG's financial strength and is consistent with our free cash flow priorities, which remain focused on creating long-term ...
In most instances you will need to decide whether you want to reduce your monthly cost or your overall cost. In either case, consider your options and look at whether any debt could be refinanced using lower interest rates or longer terms. For example, you may currently have a business cre...
A cash flow returns strategy offers consistent cash, typically in the form of rent, to real estate investors. Over time, the property may also benefit from appreciation. With equity accumulation, an investor could refinance, sell, and use returns from investing for cash flow and appreciation to ...